Contact Us Product Information PDF Download Request a Quote 01306 887 477 (Monday  - Friday,   09:00am - 18:00pm) How it works

Raecom emergency alarms use specialist wireless technology to provide an effective and powerful alarm safety solution to your centre. Our wireless panic alarm systems can be installed anywhere in your building, with any range achieved.

Each alarm contains a highly powerful 868MHz radio transmitter, which provides a coded signal to installed receivers. This radio signal can alert staff to an emergency through sirens, control panels, pager systems at more! For a full list of our products, click here.

As our alarms are all wireless, they provided added flexibility to where they can be installed. The systems are designed to meet your requirement, so if you want an alarms on lifeguard chairs or

Because cables and wiring does not need to be run, the cost of materials and labour is dramatically reduced.

Additionally, the system can be retro fitted without disruption.

As a wireless system is flexible, customers can add, change or upgraded there alarms at any time, with ease.

Additional sirens and equipment can also be added without difficulty.