Contact Us Product Information PDF Download Request a Quote 01306 887 477 (Monday  - Friday,   09:00am - 18:00pm) Pool safety system Boasting a stylish digital keypad, offering unique text displays of alarm locations, the Sovereign system is the central hub for all of your  emergency response alarm devices, keeping staff informed when an  alarm is activated. BE IN CONTROL, AND GET INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS OF ALARMS  WITH OUR SOVEREIGN CONTROL PANEL & RECEIVER Panic Alarms WIRELESS INTERNAL SAUNA AND STEAM ROOM PANIC ALARMS HIGH POWERED, LONG RANGE UNIVERSAL PUSH BUTTON ALARM Wireless personal Attack alarm WATER RESISTANT LIFEGUARD PENDANT ALARMS Pendant Alarms Sauna Alarms Panic Alarms A RANGE OF SPECIALIST SYSTEMS, TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF YOUR STAFF & CUSTOMERS

Equipment and Features

Wireless emergency alarm systems tailor made for your business, to  enhance the safety of your staff and customers Pool  Sirens


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